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/* Registers
MFRC522 Datasheed Page 36
// Command and status
#define CommandReg 0x01 // Starts and stops command execution
#define ComIEnReg 0x02 // Enable and disable interrupt request control bits
#define DivIEnReg 0x03 // Enable and disable interrupt request control bits
#define ComIrqReg 0x04 // Interrupt request bits
#define DivIrqReg 0x05 // Interrupt request bits
#define ErrorReg 0x06 // Error bits showing the error status of the last command executed
#define Status1Reg 0x07 // Communication status bits
#define Status2Reg 0x08 // Receiver and transmitter status bits
#define FIFODataReg 0x09 // Input and output of 64 byte FIFO buffer
#define FIFOLevelReg 0x0A // Number of bytes stored in the FIFO buffer
#define WaterLevelReg 0x0B // Level of FIFO underflow and overflow warning
#define ControlReg 0x0C // Miscellaneous control registers
#define BitFramingReg 0x0D // Adjustments for bit-oriented frames
#define CollReg 0x0E // Bit position of the first bit-collision detected on the RF interface
// Command
#define ModeReg 0x11 // Defines general modes for transmitting and receiving
#define TxModeReg 0x12 // Defines general modes for transmitting and receiving
#define RxModeReg 0x13 // Defines reception data rate and framing
#define TxControlReg 0x14 // Controls the logical behavior of the antenna driver pins TX1 and TX2
#define TxASKReg 0x15 // Controls the setting of the transmission modulation
#define TxSelReg 0x16 // Selects the internal sources for the antenna driver
#define RxSelReg 0x17 // Selects internal receiver settings
#define RxThresholdReg 0x18 // Selects thresholds for the bit decoder
#define DemodReg 0x19 // Defines demodulator settings
#define MfTxReg 0x1C // Controls some MIFARE communication transmit parameters
#define MfRxReg 0x1D // Controls some MIFARE communication receive parameters
#define SerialSpeedReg 0x1F // Selects the speed of the serial UART interface
// Configuration
#define CRCResultRegL 0x21 // Shows the MSB and LSB values of the CRC calculation
#define CRCResultRegH 0x22
#define ModWidthReg 0x24 // Controls the ModWidth setting
#define RFCfgReg 0x26 // Configures the receiver gain
#define GsNReg 0x27 // Selects the conductance of the antenna driver pins for modulation
#define CWGsPReg 0x28 // Defines the conductance of the p-driver output during periods of no modulation
#define ModGsPReg 0x29 // Defines the conductance of the p-driver output during periods of no modulation
#define TModeReg 0x2A // Defines settings for the internal timer
#define TPrescalerReg 0x2B // Defines settings for the internal timer
#define TReloadRegL 0x2C // Defines the 16-bit timer reload value
#define TReloadRegH 0x2D
#define TCounterValRegL 0x2E // Shows the 16-bit timer value
#define TCounterValRegH 0x2F
// Test register
#define TestSel1Reg 0x31 // General test signal configuration
#define TestSel2Reg 0x32 // General test signal configuration and PRBS control
#define TestPinEnReg 0x33 // Enables pin output driver on pins D1 to D7
#define TestPinValueReg 0x34 // Defines the values for D1 to D7 when it is used as an I/O bus
#define TestBusReg 0x35 // Shows the status of the internal test bus
#define AutoTestReg 0x36 // Controls the digital self test
#define VersionReg 0x37 // Shows the software version
#define AnalogTestReg 0x38 // Controls the pins AUX1 and AUX2
#define TestDAC1Reg 0x39 // Defines the test value for TestDAC1
#define TestDAC2Reg 0x3A // Defines the test value for TestDAC2
#define TestADCReg 0x3B // Shows the value of ADC I and Q channels
/* Commands
MFRC522 Datasheed Page 70
#define cmd_idle 0x00 // No action, cancels the current command execution
#define cmd_mem 0x01 // Stores 25 bytes into the internal buffer
#define cmd_generateRandomID 0x02 // Generates a 10-byte random ID number
#define cmd_calcCRC 0x03 // Activates the CRC coprocessor of performs a self test
#define cmd_transmit 0x04 // Transmits data from the FIFO buffer
#define cmd_noCmdChange 0x07 // Can be used to modify the CommandReg register bits without affecting the command
#define cmd_recieve 0x08 // Activates the receiver circuits
#define cmd_transceive 0x0C // Transmits data from FIFO buffer to antenna and activate receiver after transmission
#define cmd_mfAuthent 0x0E // Performs the MIFARE standard authentication as a reader
#define cmd_softReset 0x0F // Resets the MFRC522
و این مثال :
#include "rc522.h"
#include "spi.h"
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <util/delay.h>
#define F_CPU 1000000
#define BAUD 4800
#define BAUD_PRESCALE ((((F_CPU/16) + (BAUD/2)) / (BAUD)) - 1)
char getchar(void);
void putchar(char c);
void puts(const char *s);
void init_uart(void)
UCSRB = (1 << RXEN) | (1 << TXEN);
UCSRC = (1 << URSEL) | (1 << UCSZ0) | (1 << UCSZ1) | (0 << UCSZ2)
| (0 << UMSEL) | (0 << UPM0) | (0 << UPM1);
int main(void)
char result;
while (1)
result = spi_master_tranceiver(getchar());
return 0;
void putchar(char c)
while ((UCSRA & (1 << UDRE)) == 0) {}
UDR = c;
char getchar(void)
while ((UCSRA & (1 << RXC)) == 0) {}
return UDR;
void puts(const char *s)
while (*s != '\0')