Today we are beginning to have to face up to the consequences of the
stunning success of Moore’s Law, that astute observation by Intel’s Gordon
Moore which predicts that integrated circuit transistor densities will double
every 12 to 18 months. This observation has now held true for the last 25
years or more, and there are many indications that it will continue to hold
true for many years to come. This book appears at a time when the first
examples of complex circuits in 65nm CMOS technology are beginning to
appear, and these products already must take advantage of many of the
techniques to be discussed and developed in this book. So why then should
our increasing success at miniaturization, as evidenced by the success of
Moore’s Law, be creating so many new difficulties in power management in
circuit designs?

The principal source and the physical origin of the problem lies in the
differential scaling rates of the many factors that contribute to power
dissipation in an IC – transistor speed/density product goes up faster than
the energy per transition comes down, so the power dissipation per unit area
increases in a general sense as the technology evolves.

مطلب پیشنهادی:  دانلود کتاب مدار های الکتریکی هیت

Secondly, the “natural” transistor switching speed increase from one
generation to the next is becoming downgraded due to the greater parasitic
losses in the wiring of the devices. The technologists are offsetting this
problem to some extent by introducing lower permittivity dielectrics (“lowk”)
and lower resistivity conductors (copper) – but nonetheless to get the
needed circuit performance, higher speed devices using techniques such as
silicon-on-insulator (SOI) substrates, enhanced carrier mobility (“strained
silicon”) and higher field (“overdrive”) operation are driving power
densities ever upwards. In many cases, these new device architectures are
increasingly leaky, so static power dissipation becomes a major headache in
power management, especially for portable applications.






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    اينه من دوست دارم هرچيزي كه تو زمينه الكترونيك باشه رو بهتر بدونم لذا از شما خواهشي كه دار م لطف كنيد ابزار و وسايل و حتي بصورت كيتهاي آماده و يا حداقل فيبر و يا وسايل مورد نياز ساخت اينگونه وسايل را خودتون تهيه كنيد تا ما بتونيم براحتي بدست بيارم تا براي من كه علاقمندم نشه غصه اگر جايي هم هست آدرس بدين تا بتونيم تهيه كنيم
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