حروف اختصاري الكترونيك

حروف اختصاري الكترونيك

AC  Alternating current  یکی از ده ها حروف اختصاری الکترونیک می باشد که روزمزه به آنها برخورد می کنیم ایبوکی که در ادامه نوشته واستون گذاشتم پر از این اختصار هاست فقط کافیه بینشون بگردید مخفف مورد نظر را پیدا کنید .

حروف اختصاري الكترونيك

A Ampere (AC rms or DC)
• a Ampere (peak)
• ABS Antilock braking system
• AC Alternating current
• AC/DC Alternating current or direct current
• ADC Analog-to-digital converter
• Adj Adjustment
• ADSL Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line
• AF Audio frequency
• AFC Automatic frequency control
• AFC Automatic flow controller
• AFT Automatic fine tuning
• AGC Automatic Gain Control
• Ah Ampere hour
• ALU Arithmetic logic unit
• AM/FM Amplitude modulation or Frequency modulation
• AMM Analog multimeter
• Antilog Antilogarithm
• APC Automatic phase control
• ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange
• AVC Automatic Volume Control
• AWG American Wire Gauge
• B Base electrode
• BATT Battery
• BCD Binary Coded Decimal
• BICMOS BIpolar Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor
• BIFET Bipolar Field-Effect Transistor
• BIMOS Bipolar Metal-Oxide Semiconductor
• BJT Bipolar junction transistor
• BNC Bayonet Nut Coupling

حروف اختصاري الكترونيك
• BPF Band Pass Filter
• BTS Base Transceiver Station
• BV Breakdown Voltage
• BVCEO Breakdown voltage, collector-to-emitter junction reverse
biased (base open)
• BVCER Breakdown voltage, collector-to-emitter junction reverse
biased (specified resistance)
• BVCES Breakdown voltage, collector-to-emitter junction reverse
biased (base shorted)
• BVCEX Breakdown voltage, collector-to-emitter junction reverse
biased (base-emitter back biased)
• BVCOB Breakdown voltage, collector-to-base junction reverse
biased (emitter open)
• BW Bandwidth
• c Centi (10-2)
• C Capacitance or capacitor
• C Capacitance; collector electrode
• C (Q) Coulomb
• C(dep) Depletion layer capacitance
• C(dif) Diffusion capacitance
• CAD Computer aided design
• CAM Computer aided manufacture
• CATV Cable TV
• CB Common base configuration
• CB Citizen’s band
• C-band 4-6 GHz (3.7-4.2 downlink, 5.925-6.425 uplink)
• CC Common collector
• CCD Charged Coupled Device
• CCIR International Radio Consultative Committee
• CCITT International Telegraph Consultative Committee
• CCTV Closed Circuit Television
• CCW Counter Clock Wise
• CE Common emitter
حروف اختصاري الكترونيك
• Ce Internal collector junction capacitance.
• Cib Input Capacitance, common base
• CL Load capacitance
• CLC Circuit Close Loop
• cm Centimeter
• cmil Circular mil
• CMOS Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor
• CNC Computer Numerical Control
• Cob Output capacitance, common base
• Coe Output capacitance, common emitter
• CPU Central Processing Unit
• CR Junction diode
• CRO Cathode Ray Oscilloscope
• CRT Cathode Ray Tube
• CT Total capacitance
• cw Continuous transmission
• d Deci (10-1)
• D/A or D-A Digital to analog
• D/L Downlink
• dBm DeciBell based on power (milliwatt)
• DBM Double Balanced Mixer
• DC Direct current
• Di or Di Change in current
• DIL Dual In Line
• DIN Deutsches Institute fuer Normen
• DIP Dual Inline Package
• DMM Digital multimeter
• DPDT Double pole double throw
• Dt or Dt Change in time
• DTL Diode transistor logic
• DTMF Dual Tone Multi-Frequency
• Dv or Dv Change in voltage
• DVB Digital Video Broadcasting
• DVD Digital Video Disc
• DVI Digital Video Interactive
• DVM Digital voltmeter
حروف اختصاري الكترونيك
• E Emitter electrode
• E DC or Erms Difference in potential
• E1 2,048 Mb/s
• ec electron-capture
• ECG Electrocardiogram
• ECL Emitter Coupled Logic
• ECU Electronic Control Unit
• EHF Extremely High Frequency
• EHV Extra high voltage
• ELF Extremely low frequency
• EMF Electromotive force
• EMI Electro magnetic interference
• EW Electronic warfare
• f Frequency
• F Fast [IC logic series] • fab Common base small-signal short-circuit forward current
transfer-ratio cutoff frequency (emitter input)
• fae Common emitter small-signal short-circuit forward current
transfer-ratio cutoff frequency
• FCC Federal Communications Commission
• FDD Floppy Disk Drive
• FDM Frequency Division Multiplexing
• FDMA Frequency Division Multiple Access
• FET Field Effect Transistor
• FF Flip Flop
• FIFO First-In First-Out
• FILO First- In Last- Out
• FM Frequncy modulation
• fosc Maximum frequency of oscillation
• fpg Power gain cutoff frequency
• FPGA Field-Programmable Gate Array
• FPLA Field-Programmable Logic Array
• FPLF Field-Programmable Logic Family
• FPLS Field-Programmable Logic Switch
• fr Frequency at resonance
• fref Reference frequency
حروف اختصاري الكترونيك
• FSD Full scale deflection
• FSK Frequency Shift Keying
• G Gravitational force
• G Conductance
• G Giga (109 )
• Gb Power gain (common base).
• Gc Power gain (common collector)
• Ge Power gain (common emitter)
• Ge Germanium
• GHz GigaHertz
• gm Small-signal trans conductance
• gM, gFE Static or DC trans conductance
• GM, GFE Large-signal trans conductance
• GND Ground (voltage level
• GPRS General Packet Radio Service
• GPS Global Positioning System
• GSM Group Special Mobile
• GTO Gate Turn Off (thyristor)
• H Henry
• H Magnetic field intensity
• H Magnetizing flux
• h hecto (102)
• h Hybrid
• H Henry
• HB-LED High Brightness LED
• HBT Hetero Junction Bipolar Transistor
• HC High speed CMOS
• HCT High speed CMOS/TTL
• HDTV High Definition Television
• HF High frequency
حروف اختصاري الكترونيك
• hfb Common base small signal short-circuit forward current
• hfe Common emitter small-signal short-circuit forward current
transfer-ratio (base input)
• hFE Common emitter DC short-circuit forward current transferratio
current gain (IC / IB)
• HFE Common emitter large-signal short-circuit forward current
• hib Common base small-signal short-circuit input impedance (emitter
• hie Common emitter small-signal short-circuit input impedance
(base input)
• hob Common base small-signal open-circuit output admittance (emitter
• hoc Common collector small-signal open-circuit output admittance
(base input)
• hoe Common emitter small-signal open-circuit output admittance
(base input)
• hp Horsepower
• hrb Common base small signal open-circuit reverse transfer voltage
ratio (emitter input)
• hrc Common collector small signal open-circuit reverse transfer
voltage ratio (base input)
• hre Common emitter small signal open-circuit reverse transfer
voltage ratio (base input)
• Hz Hertz
• Hz megahertz
حروف اختصاري الكترونيك
• I Current
• i Instantaneous current
• I/O Input/output
• I2C Interface IC
• IB Average base current (DC)
• Ib Instantaneous base current (AC rms)
• ib Base current (peak)
• IB DC Base current
• IC Integrated circuit
• IC Collector current (DC)
• Ic Collector current (AC rms)
• ic Collector current (peak)
• IC DC Collector current
• ICBO, ICO Collector cutoff current (emitter open)
• ICEO Collector cutoff current (base open)
• ICER Collector cutoff current (specified resistance base-emitter)
• ICERV Collector cutoff current (reverse voltage on base)
• IE Average emitter current (DC)
• Ie Instantaneous emitter current (AC rms)
• ie Instantaneous emitter current (peak)
• Ie Total emitter current
• IEBO Emitter cutoff current (collector open)
• IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
• Ieff Effective current
• IF Intermediate frequency
• iF Forward current (DC)
• iFr Forward recovery current (specified instantaneous value)
• IGBT Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor
• IGFET Insulated-Gate Field-Effect Transistor
• Imax Maximum current
• Imin Minimum current
• Imin Minimum current
• IO Output current (DC)
• IR Infrared
• IR Reverse current (DC)
• iR Reverse current (peak)
• IR Resistor current
• iRr Reverse recovery current (specified instantaneous value)
حروف اختصاري الكترونيك
• IS Secondary current
• ISO International Organization for Standardization
• isurge Surge current
• IT Total current
• IZ Average Zener current
• iZ Instantaneous Zener current (AC rms)
• IZK Zener knee current
• IZM Zener maximum current
• IZT Zener test current
• JFET Junction Field Effect Transistor
• JTAG Joint Test Action Group
• k Kilo (103)
• K Kilohm
• k kelvin
• k Boltzmann’s constant
• K Frequency Band, 18.0GHz – 27.0GHz
• Ka Frequency Band, 27.0GHz – 40.0GHz
• kg kilogram
• kg•m•s Kilogram Meter Second
• kHz Kilohertz
• km kilo Meter
• kohm Kilo Ohm
• Ku Frequency Band, 12.0GHz – 18.0GHz
• kV Kilovolt
• kVA Kilovolt ampere
• kW Kilowatt
• KWH Kilo Watt Hours
• L Coil, inductance
• LASER Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
• LC Inductance-capacitance
• LC Conversion loss
حروف اختصاري الكترونيك
• LC Inductance-capacitance
• LCD Liquid Crystal Display
• LCIF Laser-Collision-Induced Fluorescence
• L-C-R Inductance-capacitance-resistance
• LCX Low voltage CMOS
• LDR Light-dependent resistor
• LED Light emitting diode
• LF Low frequency
• LM Mutual inductance
• LNA Low noise amplifier
• LO Local oscillator
• LSI Large scale integration
• LT Total inductance
• M Mega (106)
• M Mutual conductance
• m Milli (10-3 )
• mA Milliampere
• ma Milliampere (peak)
• mAa-c Milliampere (AC rms)
• mAd-c Milliampere (DC)
• mag Magnetron
• max Maximum
• Mb Mega-Bit [1024 x 1024 bits] • MB MegaByte [1024 x 1024 bytes] • MCU MicroComputer Unit
• MCU Mobile Calibration Unit
• MF Medium frequency
• mH Millihenry
• MHz Megahertz
• MI Mutual inductance
• MIL Military
• MIL-STD Military Standard
• Min Minimum
• Mm Millimeter
• Mmf Magnetomotive force
حروف اختصاري الكترونيك
• MOS Metal oxide semiconductor
• MOS Marine Optical System or Marine Optical Spectrograph
• MOSFET Metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor
• MOSFET Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor
• MPU Microprocessor unit
• MSI Medium scale integrated circuit
• mV Milli volt
• mW Milli watt (Max., Average, or rms)
• mw Milli watt (peak)
• MW Microwave
• N Number of turns in an inductor
• N Revolutions per minute
• N Nano (10-9)
• N Negative
• nA Nanoampere
• NC Normally closed
• NC No connection
• NC Not Connected [pin], Normally Closed [switch] • NEG, neg Negative
• nF Nanofarad
• nH Nanohenry
• nm Nanometer
• NO Normally open
• NPN Negative-positive-negative
• Ns Nanosecond
• OC Open Collector
• OCVCXO Oven Controlled Voltage Controlled Crystal Oscillator
• OCXO Oven Controlled Crystal Oscillator
• OP AMP Operational amplifier
• OPA Optical Parametric Amplifier
• OPO Optical Parametric Oscillator
حروف اختصاري الكترونيك
• P Pico (10-12)
• P Power
• P Instantaneous power
• P Positive, also peak
• P Power dissipation of all terminals (average total)
• P Power dissipation of all terminals (peak)
• PA Public address or power amplifier
• pA Picoampere
• PAL Programmable Array Logic
• PAM, pam Pulse amplitude modulation
• Pap Apparent power
• Pav Average power
• Pb Power dissipation of base (average)
• pb Power dissipation of base (peak)
• Pc Power dissipation of collector (average)
• pc Power dissipation of collector (peak)
• PCB Print Circuit Borad
• PCM Pulse Code Modulation
• Pd Power dissipation of device (average)
• PDM Pulse-duration modulation
• Pe Power dissipation of emitter (average)
• pe Power dissipation of emitter (peak)
• pF Picofarad
• PFC Power Factor Correction
• PIN Part Identifying Number
• PIV Peak inverse voltage
• PLC Programmable Logic Controller
• PLD Programmable Logic Device
• PLL Phase locked loop
• PM Phase modulation
• PNP Positive-negative-positive
• POT, pot Potentiometer
• P-P Peak to peak
• PPM Pulse-position modulation
• PRF Pulse repetition frequency
• PRT Pulse repetition time
• pw Pulse width

مطلب پیشنهادی:  انواع ترانسفورمرها و کاربرد آنها

• PWM Pulse Width Modulation
• Q Charge, also quality
• q Instantaneous charge
• Q Transistor
• R Potentiometer
• RAM Random access memory
• RB External base resistance
• rb’, rBB’ Internal base spreading resistance
• RbXO Rubidium Crystal Oscillator
• RC Resistance-capacitance, also Radio controlled
• RC External collector resistance
• Rcvr Receiver
• RE External emitter resistance
• Rect Rectifier
• Ref Reference
• RFI Radio frequency interference
• RGB Red Green Blue
• RL Load resistor
• RL Resistance, load
• RLC Resistance-capacitance-inductance
• RMS, rms Root mean square
• ROM Read only memory
• Rpm Revolutions per minute
• RS-232 An IEEE Standard Bus
• Rsat Saturation resistance
• SCR Silicon controlled rectifier
• SHF Super high frequency
• SI International System of Units
• SIP Single in-line package
• SMS Short Message Service
• SNR Signal-to-noise ratio

• SPDT Single pole double throw
• sq cm Square centimeter
• SRAM Static Random Access Memory
• SSB Single sideband
• SW Short wave
• SWR Standing-wave ratio
• SYNC, sync Synchronous
• T Tera (1012)
• T Torque
• T Transformer
• T Time in seconds
• T Temperature
• T Time
• TA Temperature, ambient
• TC Time constant, also temperature coefficient
• TC Temperature, case
• TCBV Temperature coefficient of breakdown voltage
• TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
• TCVXO Temperature Compensated Voltage Controlled Crystal
• TCXO Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator
• TCXO Temperature Controlled Crystal Oscillator
• td Pulse delay time
• TDM Time Division Multiplexing
• TDMA Time Division Multiple Access
• TE Transverse electric
• temp Temperature
• tf Pulse fall time
• tfr Forward recovery time
• THz Terahertz
• Tj Junction temperature
• TM Transverse magnetic
• tP Pulse time
• TR Transmit-receive
• tr Pulse rise time

مطلب پیشنهادی:  سطح منطقی یا صفر و یک منطقی

• ts Pulse storage time
• TTL Transistor-transistor logic
• TV Television
• TWT Travelling wave tube
• UHF Ultra High Frequency 300MHz – 3GHz
• UHV Ultra high voltage
• UJT Unijunction transistor
• UV Ultraviolet
• V Vacuum tube
• v Instantaneous voltage
• V Volt (DC)
• VA Volt ampere
• Va-c Volt (AC)
• Vav Voltage (average value)
• VB Voltage Base
• VBB Base voltage (DC) supply
• VBE DC voltage base to emitter
• Vc Capacitive voltage
• VCC Collector voltage (DC) supply
• VCD Variable Capacitance Diode
• VCE DC voltage collector to emitter
• VCEsat Collector to emitter saturation voltage
• VCO Voltage controlled oscillator
• VCXO Voltage Controlled Crystal Oscillator
• VE Voltage Emitter
• VEC Emitter voltage (DC) (emitter to collector)
• VEE Emitter voltage (DC) supply
• VF Forward voltage drop
• VFC Voltage to Frequency Converter
• Vfe Floating potential
• VHF Very high frequency

• Vin Input voltage
• VL Inductive voltage
• VLF Very low frequency
• Vm, Vmax Maximum voltage
• VO Output voltage (DC)
• VOM Volt ohm milliameter
• Vout Output voltage
• Vp Primary voltage
• VPT Voltage, punch-through
• VR Reverse voltage (DC)
• Vr Reverse voltage (peak)
• VS Source voltage
• VSWR Voltage standing wave ratio
• VT Total voltage
• VT Total voltage
• VZ Zener voltage
• W Watt
• Wh Watt Hour
• WiMAX World Interoperability for Microwave Access
• WV Working Voltage
• WWW World Wide Web
• X Reactance
• X-band 5.2GHz – 10.9GHz range
• XC Capacitive reactance
• XFET eXtra implanted junction FET
• XL Inductive Reactance
• XO Crystal Oscillator
• XOR Exclusive OR
• XTAL Crystal
• Y Admittance

مطلب پیشنهادی:  قانون اهم به زبان ساده

حروف اختصاري الكترونيك
• Z Impedance
• Zin Input impedance
• Zo Output Impedance
• Zp Primary impedance
• Zs Secondary impedance
• ZT Total impedance
• Zz Zener impedance
• Zzk Zener impedance, knee
• Zzt Zener impedance, test

اگر این نوشته‌ برایتان مفید بود لطفا کامنت بنویسید.

دیدگاهتان را بنویسید

نشانی ایمیل شما منتشر نخواهد شد. بخش‌های موردنیاز علامت‌گذاری شده‌اند *

4 دیدگاه

  1. با سلام وتشکرفراوان از شما با زحمت زیادی که کشیدید مطالب مفید و خوب بود ولی کامل نبود من معنیpolوswرا میخواستم که polراندیدم

  2. محمد علیدوست

    با سلام وتشکرازوقتی که صرف نمودید که بتدریج میشود آنراتکمیل تر نمود فکرمیکنم اگر شرح مختصری بفارسی جلو کلمات یاحداقل آنهايی که کمترمعروف وطولانی هستند مینوشتید بسیاربهتر وبرای همگان قابل بهره گیری کاملتری بود موفق وسلامت باشید بااحترام محمد

  3. حدیقه صائب مهر

    سلام ممنون از مطالب اختصاری لطفا دومورد mA , uA را هم اضافه بفرمایید که معنایش میلی آمپیر و …؟